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Soursop as a Sedative

Few of us know Soursop as having a calming effect. But, Soursop is rich in tryptophan, which is present in leaves but also roots and bark of the plant. Tryptophanis an essential amino acid used in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the melatonin, both closely linked to the control of mood and sleep. The neurons produce serotonin using in addition to tryptophan, vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) and magnesium, both also present in Soursop.

Some research has shown that serotonin is a neurotransmitter of central importance in depression, and supplements with tryptophan have already been used as a therapeutic strategy in patients with this disease. Low melatonin levels lead to insomnia, irritability and stress.

Thus, Soursop can help maintain adequate levels of tryptophan, vitamin B3 and magnesium and, consequently serotonin and melatonin, acting as a natural calming and helping prevent cases of depression, anxiety and hyperactivity.

The infusion / decoction of the leaves of Soursop, can then be used to combat these diseases. In this case, a cup of a quantity of infused 3 to 6 leaves of Soursopshould be drank.

In addition, the leaves also provide a calm and relaxing bath for children, by spreading some leaves in the bathtub and bathing the little ones

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